Siegfried and Roy’s white tiger dazzled us with its magic. Shamu, the famous killer white whale at Sea World dances upon the water to the amazement of crowds, and who can forget Benji or Lassie as childhood heroes. Have you ever explored the fascinating world of animal vision? Who wins the prize for the the most advanced visual species of the animal or insect kingdom? The results may surprise you.

We all agree that birds of prey (hawks, eagles, falcons etc.) have the best bionics hands...

Remember back to the last time you experienced the birth of a baby.....What are one of the first questions people ask? It’s “ WHAT COLOR ARE THEIR EYES?

What makes the color of our eyes appear as they do? What role do genetics play? What if you don’t like your eye color..... can you change it? Are there any medications that can change the eye color? Get ready to explore the science behind eye color by starting at the beginning.......

Baby’s eye color can change. A baby can start out...

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